
Thursday, October 1, 2009


I'm going to get my first-time-online-shoppping clothes by today.Maybe.Hopefully Edward will meet Yvonne today and escort my stuff back Taiping safely. =) I know I owe you a meal. Japanese food! I still remember. Don't worry.

2nd day of October d.. Which means I've "enjoyed" my holidays for 4 months! My goodness. I still haven't fulfill my must-do list. Trips? Gosh! No idea about them at all. I have to work 6 days per week. Since money is more important to me now, I don't want to take leave. I even come to work when I'm very ill. But sometimes I get some opportunity to go back early. hahax.. Oh, I'm out of topic. Talking about trips, my family actually comes out with lots of ideas.Singapore, Cameron, Hatyai, Pulau Pangkor and blah blah blah. I wanna go Taiwan/Hong Kong lar.. Please make my dream come true.. If my final decision is pharm, nobody can stop me to go travel.. GOD! Please tell me which one is better for me.. Please...

OH NO! 2nd OCT! I still haven't start to make/design/draw cards... I'm lack of time! Hmm.. Should go and get ready those materials tonight. I've no idea how to make them actually. I'm not an artistic and creative person.. I need inspiration...

Tsunami, earthquake and blah blah blah all happened in one shot! What happen to our earth? Is it trying to warn human beings? 是因为有人祸才发生天灾的吗? It is time for us to think and change our attitude. Hope that all my friends and relatives around the world is safe. If possible, send me a mail or reply here to prove that you are in good condition, so i wont have to be worried.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! Mooncake festival tomorrow! No celebration again.. T.T

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